The day after...
September 24, 2003 @ 10:56 am

Hey me hearties... *lol*

Am' just left and I am here, back at work! :( I am tired as a dog since we (Amelie and I) haven't slept enough during these last days.

The House Warming Party on Sat was a blast! I was great, almost eveyone that we've invited actually showed up and that's saying a lot... Also, everyone brought something with them, Food, Drinks, Flowers, all kind of stuff. Mirjam and I didn't expect that so we have Chips and Champagne for the next two centuries! *lol* Speaking of Champagne, we all had quite a bit of it if you know what I mean... *h�h�*

*le sigh* It's really sad that Am' had to go back already! We had such a great time! On Monday we went to the movies and saw "POTC" AGAIN and laughed so hard that everyone in the theatre must have hated us! We also went to get some pix done that day and laughed so hard that my risible muscels still hurt like crazy. Am', if you're reading this: Faaaabian, the Uruk-groove, Bosom?, Domdidomdidom, what's up with the farting dude?... It's gonna continue! *roflmao* Ich kann nicht mehr! *hahahahaha* I really hope you'll come back in Dec..

Precious (my sweet little cat) has been castrated yesterday. Poor thingy! She was laying all around the house yesterday, sleeping, feeling dizzy and not eating... Awwww! :(

What else... Well, not too much. I am STILL looking for the right path (wohooow, getting all mushy here)... But it's true! I need to figure out what to do with my life! Geeez! *le sigh*

Allrighty, I think I'll let it be for today and write again tomorrow, savvy?

Drink up me hearties hey ho!! *lol*


same attitude // on a different day

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