STILL sick as a dog...
October 09, 2003 @ 7:41 pm

Yes dearies, it's true, I am still sick as a dog... *ggrrrrrr* My voice has left its building (me) and gone somewhere where I can't find it! YAY! I even stayed at home today. *zzzz* *shakes fist again her cold* COLIN!

I wrote two applications today which I'm going to send off tomorrow or aftertomorrow the latest... One is for a job as an Operator in a Hotel and the other one is for a job in reservations, also for a Hotel. Which me luck guys, I need it.

As I spend my day at home, I spend ages watching some cute of clips of Lij and Dommiedommiedommie over at Go there! It's worth it!! *lol*

Speaking of Lij, here is some Lij candy:

I need to reward me with something for being sooooo sick! *hehe*

What else had happened?! Yeah right, Jayjay has a litttttttttle bit of a crush... But no pretties I WON'T WRITE ABOUT IT HERE, simply too risky!

We'll all talk soonies...

*cough* *cough* *cough*


same attitude // on a different day

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