October 13, 2003 @ 11:39 am

Yo ho me 'earties... ;)

Another manic monday today! Bah!!

I sent off my appications this morning so pls do all wish me luck to get one of those jobs I applied for!! *crosses fingers*

I didn't do much during the weekends really... I had to work on Sat and then I spent my afternoon with watching a bunch of movies. I've seen White Oleander (which is AWESOME!! GO AND WATCH THAT MOVIE!), Nackt (a german one, veeeeery good) and Riding in cars with boys ( also awesome!). On Sunday I cleaned the appartement and I had a friend coming over and we've watched The Matrix Reloaded. That movie is just sooo bad! I so adore the first one, why did they srew it up with the second one... Makes me sad!

TODAAAAAY I'm going to the Evanescence-concert here in Z�rich. I'm veery excited! It's gonna be awesome!!! AWESOME! I'll tell you guys all about it tomorrow.

Some of you (my dear readers, Alora, Kyra, Kath, SA and Manu) might have seen that I'm working on a new fic... *coughs* *hehe* It's called Serendipity but I'm not sure yet if I'll change the title...

Alrighty, enough about my boring being.

Until tomorrow that is, 'earties!

*hugs you all*


same attitude // on a different day

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