October 16, 2003 @ 10:00 am

... another update... I'm sorry babies!

Ok, EVANESCENCE!! The concert was soooo awesome! Amy and the boys gave it all they had! Geez, they were so damn good, that was really one of the best concerts I've been to and I've been to quite a few.. *hehe* Amy even sang a song of the Smashing Pumpkins and I addddore her for that, I thought I would have to faint! *lol* o pls everyone - GO to a Evanescence concert!

Yesterday I had a half day off and ran around to get informations about the school I wanted to attend. I desperatly wanted to go to SAE and study Digital Film Making, Digital Animation or Multimedia Design, since I am a total movie and media freak. But NO, it is not possible to do that... A)It is too expensive and B)I won't be able to work beside the study which brings me back to A)... *cries* It's not fair, not fair at all! I mean who the hell am I supposed to know with 15 what I want to do with my life?! Now I am 23, I finally know and it's too late?! Not fair! Simply not fair! It really pisses me off! And that my parents can't stand behind me pisses me off as well! Did you ever have a dream and you were getting close to actually make your dream a reality and then pufff, all gone?! Welcome to my world! *cries*

What else is new, you might wonder?! Well, it's a conspiracy (*winks at Kyra*), I'm still having a crush and I don't want to have one! There is no way for us to be together so pleeeeease, I really want to get rid of these feelings!

Since the school (*starts to cry allove again*) is a non-possible thing, I have to continue to find myself a new job. As I told you guys already, I sent off two applications on Monday. Unfortunately I haven't heard anything yet, but I hope I will soonies!!

Alright, I'm gonna go now... :(

Bye me 'earties, thanks for listening to my crab!



same attitude // on a different day

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