New layout!
September 18, 2003 @ 1:10 pm

Hey there pretties!

As surely most of you have noticed already, we has a new layout. Yessss precioussss! :P

Heeey, it's almost Friday, which means A.) almost WEEKEND! and B.) almost time for Am' to get here! YAYNESS!

I had a veeery weird dream last night where I fought with my roommate about the cats and so on, it was horrible! I really hope it won't happen again!

Oh! I found a funny quizzie over at Kyra's LJ... *haha* Just look what I got:

You like the slashy side to Dom. Its perfectly fine with you if he's doing the (no-so)nasty with Elijah, or whoever, and you spend most of your time reading RPS.
You like the slashy side to Dom. Its perfectly fine
with you if he's doing the (no-so)nasty with
Elijah, or whoever, and you spend most of your
time reading RPS. You love him for his 'its ok
to get cuddly with the boys' attitude.

Which side of Dominic Monaghan do you dream of?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's the tongue!! *roflmao* Ky, you got kinky Dom, THAT's what I was hoping to get too! *lol*

Not much more had happened in the boring life of Jay... I'll write again tomorrow!

*hugs all my precious readers*



same attitude // on a different day

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