My PC at home has finally come back to life!
September 28, 2003 @ 2:55 pm

Hola muchachas y muchachos! *lol*

I am in fact doing better then I was a few days before... That's how it is with me, one day I'm concidering suicide and the other day I could hug the whole wide world for just exsisting! *zzzzzz*

MY PC AT HOME finally works! How cool is that?!?! YAY! YAY! YAY! That means I can also be online at home from now on! *jumps around in joy*

Yesterday I was at the freestyle... For more infos check: It's a biiiiige Party where they have a ramp for Snowboarders, Skiers and FMX-Drivers! It's awesome, it's loud, it's the shit!! *lmao*

Okies, me hearties, not much more has happened in the Jay-World...



same attitude // on a different day

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