How I hate hospitals!!
October 01, 2003 @ 9:34 am

Hello there...

Today I have to go to the hospital and do my first memographie (x-ray of breasts)... Allthough I am convinced that everything is fine and all, I am a bit worried. Breast-cancer runs in my family (aunts, grandmother, mother) and that's scares me... Plus I heard that it could hurt to get that X-ray... *is worried* I hate hospitals! I've been in hospital for fucking too long already!!!!

Let's change the subject... I didn't go to the movies yesterday because unfortunately Simi wasn't feeling too good, so we spent the eve at her's.

Tonight (after the damn memographie) I'll go to Media Markt *hehe* and reward myself with a new stereo system! *lol* I need one anyway so...

BTW... CAST is up! So go and read about the superstars in my life *lol*!

Ok babies! I'll go and continue working.

Wish me luck for later! :(

*hugs you all*


same attitude // on a different day

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