"You can do the Robot with JT" *lalala*
November 24, 2003 @ 9:20 am

*sings* "Cry me a riiiiiiver..." Ok, I'm wacko... But I'll tell you, the Justin Timberlake-concert on Saturday was soooooo awesome! It was by far one of the best concerts I have ever been and believe me, I've been to a few!! ;) He sooo rocked the house! And he danced as if he really WAS programmed by the machines (for all who have seen the MTV Movie Awards - you'll get this!)! Hot! HOT, HOT, HOT!! And WE dances our asses off as well... (Marc*, Manu*, me and some others that was.)

The concert on Friday (The Rasmus) was good as well. There were a lot of screaming teenagers which made me go crazy... Stupid brats! But the concert was good.

After the Rasmus we (Corinna* and me) went to the Restaurant/Bar Don Weber and drank a whole liter of Strawberry-Margherita... Dare I say I was DRUNK!! Oh yeah!! *lol*

Yesterday, I was invited for dinner and my Grandmothers. It was very relaxing and she is just such a sweetie!! :D

Oh! HOW COULD I FORGET TO MENTION... I STILL HAVEN'T GOT MY SEE!!! *cries* It is sooo unfair!! I could puke! Bah!

Alrighty, I think that is it for the moment... (Talking about me, not getting the SEE depresses me! :( ) Hey, I just rhymed!! *lol*

*.) read more about that person in the CAST!



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