Dominic, Dom, Dommie, D.O.M., Dommmm, DoM, Dommmie, Domdidomdidom... DOM!
November 27, 2003 @ 10:30 am

Sorry folks, I know I am crazy... Buuuut I have finally got my SEE... Well actually I haven't. Let me exlain: I just called all around the fucking planet (yeah right?!) to find it and still it is lost. Then I called the place where I ordered it and said that I didn't get it and it seems to be lost, they cancelled the order and I just went to regular store and bought that thingy! ;) It ROCKS! Holy Kaboly!! I got really pissed at the editors though for cutting some of these awsome scenes out of the theatrical version!! HELLO?! Don't you persons think that some more scenes with Merry and Pippin or Frodo, Sam, Smeagol and Faramir ARE IMPORTANT TO THAT STORY!!! Cut a bit of the whole fighting and Gimli jokes next time please! Bah!

Anyways, of course I've seen (or shouldn't I say heard?!) the commetarie-version yesterday and LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!! *muahaha* That's what leads to the title of this entry... DOM MONAGHAN is my own personal hero! His sense of humour and his sarcasm and all around and about it is just PRICELESS! Well, Billy and Elijah are funny too but DOM is the King... KingDOM as he says himself! *LOL* Piccie:

For those who not necessarily know who Dom is, it's the one hunk on the right... ;) Let me give you an example of Dommie from the TTT SEE commentaries: Dom: Gollum is funny. Sometimes he looks like Frodo, then scared, then lovely and sometimes he looks like a BUS! *ROFLMAO* Well, it's a lot funnier when you hear it of course... *LOL*

What else... Not much to be honest. I will go to a club/bar tonight in Winterthur that is called Coyote Ugly... Let's see how that'll be. *lol* I'll go with Corinna* and few others. I don't know what it is but everytime I make an appointment to go out like that, the closer I get to actually going the more I just don't want to!! Weird, I know. But that is sooo me... Wanting something, REALLY wanting something and then as soon as I get "close enough" to get I run off... *sighs* I'm a freak! There! :(

Amelie* (HEY SWEETIE!! *lol*) has told me that she'll come to spend New Year's Eve and a few days around it with me! HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT ladies and gentlemen?! *dances like the crazy banana-man from out forum* *lol*

*) read more about that special person in the CAST

Alrighties, I'll go... But one more thing: DDDOOOOMMMMMIIIIEEEEE! *lol* Freakism to the maximum!



same attitude // on a different day

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