Dear Santa...
December 05, 2003 @ 9:52 am

...I would wish for the following things:

1) more self-confidence

2) me, my family, my friends and my cats to stay healthy

3) even more self-confidence

4) a new challenge in life like a new job for example

5) to actually become a believer of MYSELF (meaning I have to start believing in me)

6) to meet a guys with the humour of Dominic Monaghan and the heart of Samwise Gamgee (Ok, it's a bit lofty but hey, you are SANTA)

7) to be able to safe enough money to go to New Zealand in 2005

8) a car *lol*

9) to learn to let go of a few really bad things I am still holding in to

10) for you, oh Santa, to make at least ONE of these things above mentioned become true...

done and done...

It's Friday today and I am daaaaamn glad it is. Work sucks!! Bah!

My knee hurts again, veeery badly! Plus a tooth of mine hurts aswell... :( :( :(

Yesterday I got a new mattress, FINALLY! My parents actually gave me that mattress for birthday but that was ages ago. I was actually supposed to get it on Wednesday but as my mom bought the wrong size (which my dad and I only found out when the old mattress was removed already and all) it had to be brought back to the store and I had to wait another day. But now I finally got it and slept better then babies sleep. *hehe*

Oh! One week and 6 days to go until RoTK! YAAAAY!!!

Oh, I did some quizzies:

You are MARLIN!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

EVERYONE!! You haaaaave to see "Finding Nemo"! It's suuuch an awesome movie!!

Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

YAAAAY! I knew it! I sooooo knew it!! I always related to the character of Marla in a way but then also to the other two... *hehe* I adore this movie, it's the best movie ever!!! E.V.E.R!

Ok, done and done!




same attitude // on a different day

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